Assistant Professor

Profile A diverse professional background with more than 32 years ofexperience. Currently handling Head - Student Employability (Centre for Career Planning and Development), GM –Admissions profile in ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad. Commenced career in Indian Army, posted in various Human Resource Development Centers throughout his career as a leader. After taking VRS for last 12 years he has empowered many youths through various training modules and delivery sessions. His unmatchable energy and dynamic synergy are making him distinct from the other training professionals. A blend exposure of real estate and banking sector has given him an extra edge to serve many reputed and renowned organizations & Institutions. His core competencies include establishing and making functional of many administration & training departments. He is well-versed in planning and implementation to minimize the crisis and loss. His expertise in gap identification and analysis help organizations to get awareness about the potential of each employee. Through his various remedial skill enhancement programs, he has turned many challenges into opportunities and reported better work performances along with productivity. He carries a vision to provide millions of indispensable human resource to various industries of our county as he believes: “if people grow so will the nation”
Qualification MBA
Experience 28 years Years
Area of specialization Soft Skills
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